Introduction to GB Attacks on AOC

Next Wednesday, 12 August 2020 at 16:30 CET, our own Ferdinand Sauer will be giving an introductory presentation on Gröbner basis attacks in the context of attacking arithmetization-oriented ciphers. Be sure to tune in if you want to learn more about the attack space for AO ciphers like Rescue and Poseidon. Email us if you want access to the zoom link.

Update: Slides & VoD

Summary slide of the introductory presentation to Gröbner bases.

Couldn’t make it? Not to worry! Take a peek at the slides, and complement them by watching the recording.

STARK-friendly hash report

Researchers at StarkWare have published a report detailing their decision process of hash function for hashing over STARKs. In the end they chose for the arithmetization oriented cipher Rescue. The report also includes an appendix by Jean-Charles Faugère and Ludovic Perret about the security of these ciphers against Gröbner basis attacks. Read the report here.